IFi Audio Retro LS3.5 Käyttöohje

IFi Audio Ei luokiteltu Retro LS3.5

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille IFi Audio Retro LS3.5 (4 sivua) kategoriassa Ei luokiteltu. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 3 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/4
Monitor Loudspeaker
Natural bamboo cabinet
ideband driver
ilk dome tweeter
Speaker Terminals
Noise-reduction low turbulence port
- connect speaker wires here.
1 2 3 4 5
The iFi RETRO LS3.5 speaker was inspired by the legendry BBC LS3/5a speaker. In order to create
the most open, natural and organic sound, iFi uses the latest technologies combined with natural
materials, to create the LS3.5.
The wideband driver is custom-made to iFi's high specifications. It is made of the super-light
coated natural paper for ultra-fast response and excellent efficiency.
The super tweeter employed is no ordinary tweeter neither, again it is custom-designed and is
performing the job of a super-tweeter. It is made of transparent organic silk, and horn-loaded,
to create a coherent image with the wideband driver.
The cabinet utilised is an advanced multi-chamber P.G.A.H Voigt tuned enclosure with a low
turbulence port to reduce port noise at high levels. This design enhanced the bass performance of
the small speaker to a level seldom achieved before.
The cabinet is made from natural, sustainable bamboo. It is 3 times as strong and has the
weight of a normal wood cabinet. The extra strength and light weight reduce cabinet coloration
significantly to enable the LS3.5 to create a wide, open,yet accurate sound.
Each cabinet is tuned using tuning elements (sound bar and braces) from musical instrument
Time-aligned tweeter and wideband driver for a perfect sound field.
Advanced amino-plastic open cell acoustic foam for best bass performance and a clean midrange.
Maximum surface contact gold-plated copper speaker terminals.
RETRO LS3.5 Speaker


Merkki: IFi Audio
Kategoria: Ei luokiteltu
Malli: Retro LS3.5

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