Waves Abbey Road RS56 Käyttöohje

Waves Audio-ohjelmisto Abbey Road RS56

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille Waves Abbey Road RS56 (8 sivua) kategoriassa Audio-ohjelmisto. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 2 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/8
Waves: Abbey Road RS56
User Guide
Chapter 1 – Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Welcome ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Product Overview ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 About the RS56 ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Components ................................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2 Interface and Controls ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Interface ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Controls ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Abbey Road Studios, Curve ender and RS and their associated logos are trade marks of EMI (IP) Limited B .
2. 3 WaveSystem Toolbar.......................................................... ..........................................................8
Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1 elcome W
Thank you for choosing Waves! In order to get the most out of your new Waves plugin, please take a
moment to read this user guide.
To install software and manage your licenses, you need to have a free Waves account. Sign up at
www.waves.com. With a Waves account you can keep track of your products, renew your Waves
Update Plan, participate in bonus programs, and keep up to date with important information.
We suggest that you become familiar with the Waves Support pages: . There
are technical articles about installation, troubleshooting, specifications, and more. Plus, you’ll find
company contact information and Waves Support news.
1.2 roduct O P verview
A sive equalizer ith powerful ound haping capabilities, he S56 Universal one Control as pas w s -s t R T w
originally ntroduced i the early ed in Abbey oad Studios to epar recordings for he i n 1950s and us R pr e t
record Lat-lathe, t f the process e now now as mastering.” as par o w k er, Abbey oad’s pop engineers R
began i the RS for tudio recordings cause of ts lities o amatically anipulate sound us ng 56 s be i abi t dr m
unlik the basic reble and bass Qs found the ixing onsoles f h time. This rned it he e t E on m c o t e ea t
nicknam “The Curve Bender.” e
Waves bbey Studios faithfully recreated he q magic f he S56, ing and A Road have t uni ue o t R us
advanced circuit modeling techniques ed on the original chematics. ike its rdware bas s L ha
predecessor, t Waves: bbey RS56 passive EQ plugi features three it four he A Road n bands w h
s eac lelectable center requencies for f h ix fferent filter ypes, plus ndependent r and s di t i o inked control
over he left d right hannels. The esult s traordinary qualizer hat s s ffective today t t an c r i an ex e t i a e as i
was when it as created er f a century o. w ov hal ag
1.3 bout A the RS56
The S56 is sive EQ, eaning no amplification of any kind is to reate its filters. I fact, t R a pas m used c n i
can’t en be plugged into a power ocket. assive EQs e gh alue capacitors inductors o ev s P us hi v and t
Waves: bbey oad A R RS56
User uide G


Merkki: Waves
Kategoria: Audio-ohjelmisto
Malli: Abbey Road RS56

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