Adder Secure Käyttöohje

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Sivu 1/14
Extend | Switch | Matrix | Remote |
High Performance
Secure KVM
Protection Proles for Secure KVM
A Protection Prole (PP) states a security problem rigorously for a given collection of systems or products, and
species security requirements to address that problem without dictating however the requirements will be
implemented. A PP may inherit requirements from one or more other PPs. For a product to be evaluated and
certied according to Common Criteria (CC), the product vendor should comply with one or more PPs.
The National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) is an organization that sets the international
standardized process for information technology security evaluation, validation and
certication. In order to comply with the latest protection prole security requirements,
peripheral sharing devices (PSD) vendors need to design and manufacture their
products as entirely secure.
In 2019, NIAP announced protection prole 4.0 which is used to identify threats and
corresponding security measures for PSD’s including KVM switches. Over the past
four years, NIAP has been rening the new PP 4.0 to include a host of technical
and structural changes that ensure IT products, particularly PSD’s, continue to
conform for use in national security systems.
What is KVM?
KVM (keyboard, video, mouse) switch technology
was rst introduced in the 1990’s as a method
of controlling multiple computers with a single
keyboard, video and mouse. A few years later, KVM
extenders were introduced to enable the relocation
of critical computing hardware away from the user
environment to a secure server room. The principle
of KVM remains unchanged to this day, but with
customers seeking ever increasing exibility and
instant access to data, Adder leads the way in the
development of KVM around the world.
What is
Secure KVM?
The quantity of data in control room
environments is growing exponentially and
so is the risk of hacking and cyber-attacks. To
minimize this risk, and ready themselves for
the next generation of operational challenges,
organizations must invest in the right technology
to facilitate growth while protecting against
malicious activity, data leakage and security
The introduction of technologies and systems that are compliant with industry regulations, but that also
allow for an improved user experience, plays a signicant part in how businesses can transform their working
Secure KVM allows operators in high-pressure environments, such as command and control rooms, to
remotely access critical computing resources in real-time, without compromising network security. For the
IT manager, secure KVM delivers improved levels of exibility and interoperability with the reassurance that
the network is secured. By optimizing workows and implementing secure KVM technology that facilitates
sharing and collaboration, working environments can be made more dynamic and secure.
Fig. 1: A secure KVM switch
enables the user to switch
between computers in
secure networks with
dierent classication
ADDERView Secure Range
Secure environments demand the highest levels of security, data accuracy and reliability, so when investing
in a secure KVM solution, NIAP compliance should be an essential consideration. With Adders NIAP PP 4.0
compliant range of secure KVM solutions, users can simultaneously control and access classied and non-
classied network sources in real-time; all while benetting from pixel-perfect data visualization at resolutions
up to UHD 4K at 60 frames per second.
The ADDERView Secure range maintains channel separation while improving desktop ergonomics and
switching time to improve situational awareness, enhance real-time data visualization and optimize secure
collaboration in mission-critical environments.
When instant access is vital and security is critical
Declutter the desktop environment and
improve ergonomics
Access multiple classied and non-classied
sources from one screen
Achieve a secure real-time, at-the-PC user
Instantly visualize status information
Reasons to Choose Secure


Merkki: Adder
Kategoria: Ei luokiteltu
Malli: Secure

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