BlaknBlu Foxtrot Käyttöohje

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Foxtrot User Manual
Foxtrot has four identical Voltage Controlled Filter channels. Although they can be linked for
some interesting effects, let’s start by looking at a single filter channel.
1. Basic Operation
Each channel has two mono signal inputs. The two inputs are summed together before being
sent to the filter, with the attenuation of each input being set by the corresponding input trim
There are two cut off frequency CV inputs per VCF channel, each with its own attenuator control.
The CVs are summed to form the CV controlling the VCF. A CV input of 0V or below corresponds
to the lowest cut-off. If you want to use a bipolar signal to modulate the VCFs (for instance, from
an LFO), just turn up the manual cut off frequency knob.
There are two identical outputs from each filter channel, however, selecting Pan as the Aux CV
input turns the two outputs into a stereo pair, with the pan now controlled by Aux CV.
Unsurprisingly, the Cut Off Frequency knob controls the static cut off of the filter. Fully
anticlockwise is the lowest frequency (around 20Hz) and fully clockwise is the highest (around
20kHz depending on the filter model).
Foxtrot User Manual
Firmware v2.1
Signal Inputs
Filter Link
Filter Model
Signal Input Attenuators
Dual/Stereo Outputs
Aux CV Select
Aux CV Input Attenuator
Cut-off CV Input Attenuators
Aux CV Input
Cut-off CV Inputs
Foxtrot Filter
Foxtrot Filter
Foxtrot Filter
Foxtrot Filter
Foxtrot Filter
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Each Foxtrot channel has a choice of three virtual analog filter models.
Setting the Filter Type switch to LD selects a Moog style 4th order ladder filter.
The SK setting selects a 2nd order ‘Sallen-and-Key’ filter based on the Korg 35 analog module
used in early Korg synthesizers.
SV is a State Variable filter similar to the Oberheim SEM filter.
Each filter type can be continuously varied from Band Pass through Low Pass to High Pass
using this control, extending the capabilities of the original analog designs on which the Foxtrot
filters are based.
There is a detent at the LP position so that you can be sure the response is truly just low pass.
As with the Oberheim SEM, a setting half way between Low Pass and High Pass gives you a
notch filter.
This controls the filter Resonance – sometimes called Q, Peak, or Emphasis. At high Resonance
settings, the LD and SK filters will self-oscillate. The SK filter is particularly keen!
The classic analog filter designs that Foxtrot models have various sources of non-linearity – in !
other words, bits of circuit that don’t behave perfectly, introducing distortion to the audio signal.
The Moog ladder filter has gentle distortion in each of its ladder ‘rungs’. The Korg design actually
has a diode based clipper – similar to the circuit in guitar fuzz pedals. Much of the character of !
the filters come from these imperfections.
Foxtrot accurately mimics these non-linearities and includes a Boost switch, to overdrive the
filters for even more distortion. Note that overdriving filters tends to decrease the effect of
resonance. Foxtrot compensates for this effect (to some degree) by increasing the maximum
resonance when Boost is enabled.
With high audio input levels – particularly if you are using both inputs – and with some filter ! !
settings, it’s possible for the filter to exceed the output level possible in Eurorack, so a soft-
clipping circuit is included in each output. When the circuit is active, the Clipping LED illuminates.
Unless you like the effect (!) you can reduce the clipping by turning down the audio inputs using
the attenuator knobs.
The AUX CV input can be selected to control one of three filter functions.
When set to MIX the AUX CV controls the sweep from band pass to low pass to high pass. A 0V
CV input corresponds to low pass, negative CVs sweep the response towards band pass,
Foxtrot User Manual
Firmware v2.1
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positive CVs sweep towards high pass. The BP<-LP->HP control is still active in this mode, with
the CV acting as an offset to the knob setting.
When set to Q, the AUX CV controls filter resonance. Again, the CV acts as an offset to the
physical Resonance control, positive CVs increasing resonance and negative CVs decreasing it.
When set to Pan, the AUX CV turns the two filter outputs into a stereo pair. A positive CV pans
the signal towards the A output, a negative CV towards the B output.
2. Linked Operation
Enabling the Link Switch on two or more filter channels links those channels together.
The audio inputs of all linked channels are summed together.
Similarly, the audio outputs of all linked channels are summed together and fed to all their
outputs – so every linked channel outputs the same audio. !
The cut off frequency of each linked channel is the sum of its own cut off, and the left-most
channel, so you can set each filter to its own cut off and then sweep them all together using the
left-most channel.
This function is particularly effective with multiple band pass filters, as you can tune each filter
to a different centre frequency and then sweep them all together using the left-most cut off CV
and/or control.
The Pan CV of the leftmost channel will control any filter which has the AUX CV set to Pan.
Width: 38HP
+12v: 250mA
-12v: 100mA
+5v: 0mA
Signal (Zero attenuation): ±5v nominal, ±12v max
Cut Off CV [Zero attenuation]: 0-5v nominal
Aux CV [Zero attenuation]: ±5v nominal
Dual/Stereo: ±10v
Foxtrot User Manual
Firmware v2.1


Merkki: BlaknBlu
Kategoria: Ei luokiteltu
Malli: Foxtrot

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10 Maaliskuuta 2025

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