Comelec CG 4007 Käyttöohje

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille Comelec CG 4007 (12 sivua) kategoriassa Kahvinkeitin. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 6 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/12
Modelo : CG 4007
Voltaje: 220-240V ~
Frecuencia. 50 Hz
Potencia: 680 W
Capacidad: 1,2 L
Los textos, fotos, colores figuras y datos corresponden al nivel actual técnico del momento en que se
han impreso. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificaciones motivadas por el desarrollo permanente de
la técnica en nuestros productos
Este producto es solo para uso doméstico
Adress: Tapissers 10 Poligono Industrial Els Mollons
Post Code, 46970 City: Alaquas VALENCIA
We declare under our responsibility that the product:
Product Description:
Electronic DripCoffee maker
Model : CG 4007
It complies with the European Union legislation in complian
ce with the 2004/108 / EU guidelines:
The standards apply:
EN 55014-1: 2006+A1:+A2:
EN 55014-2: 1997+A1:+A2:
EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:+A2: / EN 61000-3-3:2013
Name: Pablo Gonzalez
Position : Administrador
30 Julio 2021
Seller's signature and stamp
IMPORTANT: To make the guarantee effective, the SELLER must
fill out, sign and stamp this Certificate. To receive assistance under
the conditions set forth in this certificate, please submit to the Te-
chnical Service Authorized, this document next to the Purchase
Disposal of the old appliance, the European Directive 2002/96 / EC
on waste equipment Electrical and Electronic (WEEE), establishes
that old appliances can not be thrownas municipal waste without
normal classification. Appliances have to be collected separately
with the to optimize the recovery and recycling of the materials they
contain and reduce the impact on human health and the environ-
ment. The symbol "container with wheels" crossed out on the pro-
duct reminds you of obligation, that when you dispose of the devi-
ce must be collected separately.
Consumers should contact the local or retail authority
to obtain information about the correct disposal of your
old device.
Thank you for purchasing this COMELEC product, this
device has been checked in all its components meticu
lously,so we guarantee the correct operation,but for this
to be case we need that YOU read the instruction book
carefully, as this will contribute to the best performance
of this article. P.G.E, S.L guarantees to the buyer of this
product,a total guarantee of TWO YEARS, governed by
the established conditions whose regulation is found in
Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 December,which
approves the revised text the General Law for the De
fense of Consumers andUsers, (articles 114 to 127)
P.G.E, S.L is committed to repairs are completely free,
labor and spare parts, including. The Technical Assis
tance Service will resolve any repairs that may be requi
red bythis apparatus.Carefully review the INSTRUC
TION BOOK included, on the use,maintenance and con
servation of the device.Any anomaly that could occur
due to non-observance of such instructions will not be
protected for the guarantee. The date of sale of the de
vice, for the purposes of warranty period
will be that
which appears on the purchase invoice.Guarantee ope
ration:As re gards all those compliance defects detec
ted by the technicalassistance, which are manifested
within six months of the delivery of the goods, it is assu
med that they already existed on that date, the interven
tion will be completely free, (unless this hypothesis is
incompatible with the nature or nature of the conformity
defect). During the following eighteen months, it must
be the user who demonstrates. That the lack of confor
mity It was coming at the time of delivery.
Pragmatica Grupo Europeo, S.L
Tapissers 10 Poligono Industrial Els Mollons
46970 Alaquas VALENCIA Tfno. 963 313 252
PRECAUCIONES DE SEGURIDAD: Importantes Consejos de Seguridad.Lea atentamente estas ins
trucciones antes de usar el aparato. Compruebe que el voltaje de su aparato coincida con el de su
red eléctrica.No deje el aparato funcionando sin vigilancia o al cuidado de niños o personas discapa
citadas.Este aparato es para uso domésticos y ha sido concebido para su uso con arreglo a lo indi
cado en la presentes instrucciones.No use nunca el aparato cerca de superficies calientes. Desen
chúfelo cuando no vaya a utilizarlo.Déjelo enfriar antes de manipularlo.No use el aparato si el mismo
o el cable están dañados,lleve el aparato al servicio técnico o Establecimiento donde lo compró para
su canje o reparación.No use el aparato en el exterior,úselo siempre en un entorno seco. Nunca use
accesorios no incluidos o recomendados por el Fabricante,puede dañar el aparato y provocar acci
dentes.Nunca desenchufe el aparato estirando del cable,asegúrese de que el cable no queda atrapa
do en ningún sitio,no enrolle el cable alrededor del aparato.Deje siempre el aparato en une superfi
cie lisa y estable.Use solo agua potable a temperatura ambiente o ligeramente fría no use agua de
baños,duchas,ni otros recipientes.Asegúrese de que el cable nunca entre en contacto con las superfi
cies calientes del aparato.No toque nunca las superficies calientes del aparato, toque solo las partes
de plástico,y la jarra,sujetándola por su asa.Tenga cuidado de no quemarse con el vapor caliente pro
veniente del filtro de café.No use el aparato si la jarra presenta algún daño.Use solo la jarra que se
suministra con el aparato,si se le rompe acuda al establecimiento donde compró la cafetera y provéa
se de otra idéntica.Manipule la jarra con cuidado,el cristal es muy frágil.No use nunca el aparato sin
agua.Para desconectarla,pulse el interruptor hasta la posición “off”,luego desconecte el cable del en
chufe.No use el aparato si presenta cualquier tipo de daño.No olvide que la temperatura del café es
alta,manipule con cuidado la jarra y las tazas,para prevenir el riesgo de salpicaduras y quemaduras.
Cualquier reparación debe ser efectuada por un Servicio Técnico Autorizado.Guarde estas instruc
ciones para su uso futuro.Nunca sumerja el aparato en agua ni en ningún otro líquido.Este aparato
puede ser utilizado por niños de 8 años o más y las per sonas con una incapacidad o falta de
experiencia y conocimientos que hayan recibido super visión o instrucciones relativas al uso
del aparato de una manera segura físicas,sensoriales o mentales y comprender los riesgos
involucrados.Limpieza y mantenimiento de usuarios no serán hechos por niños sin supervi
sión.Los niños deben ser supervisados para asegurarse de que no jueguen con el aparato
Asegúrese de que los niños no jueguen con el aparato, este electrodoméstico "no es un ju
guete".Si el cable de suministro está dañado, debe ser sustituido por el fabricante, su agente o servi
cio por personas cualificadas con el fin de evitar peligro.Este aparato ha sido diseñado para su uso
doméstico,y entornos similares como:comedores colectivos,Hoteles,Aéreas de recreo, etc. Nunca
sumerja la base del aparato en el agua o cualquier otro líquido por cualquier motivo.Nunca lo colo
que en el lavaplatos.No mueva nunca el aparato tirando delcable.No enrolle el cable alrededor del
aparato y no lo doble.Atención que no le queme con las evaporaciones que provienen del filtro. Ase
gúrese bien que el nivel de agua no sobrepase el nivel máximo indicado.No utilizar el aparato en
caso de desbordamiento.Jamás poner el aparato en un horno (microonda incluida) para calentar el
café.El aparato no está destinado a ponerse enfuncionamiento por medio de un minutero exterior o
por un sistema de mando a distancia.
USE:Uncover the top cover and refill the water tank to the required level.Put ground coffee in the
conical filter.Place the jar in its location.Put the funnel in its holder.Close the top cover.Press the
switch to the "On" position,the coffee maker starts working. Do not open the lid of the tank Note:
while the appliance is running,steam may escape.When the water boils and there is water left in
the tank the coffee will be ready.The device works until the water tank is empty, then it is automa
tically put into operation "Heat maintenance". This device complies with European ERP regula
tions (The hot plate will keep the coffee hot by above 72 °C,after 40 minutes,the device automati
cally switches to OFF). After use, unplug the appliance. Do not forget to unplug the CLEANING:
appliance before cleaning it.Wipe the exterior with a soft damp cloth,then dry it, do not use abrasi
ve products.Detachable parts can be washed in soapy water,rinse thoroughly before reassembling
Wash the filter and the jug.Do not use the dishwasher. Store the coffee maker in a dry place and
not too hot. DECALCIFICATION:It is advisable to descale the coffee maker regularly (at least
twice a year) Rinse the coffee ducts thoroughly after descaling by performing 2 or 3 water cycles.
Pour hot water obtained.The frequency depends on the hardness of water.Generally,removing
tartar should be do ne every two months.To do it:-Place the empty coffee maker on the electric
plate.-Mix three cups of alcohol vinegar and nine cups of water,and fill everything in the tank wit
hout exceeding the maxi mum level.-Connect the coffee maker for one minute.Turn off then,and
wait half an hour.-To remo ve all vinegar,run the coffee maker twice using clear water. TROUBLES
HOOTING: If you have a problem,you may find the solution in the table below.In case these solu
tions cannot solve your problem yet,please contact with the nearest authorized service agent for
examination,repair or ad justment.
The appliance does not work. Make sure the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds
to the local mains voltage.
Make sure the appliance has been plugged in & switched on.
Water leaks out of the appliance. Check if the water tank is filled beyond the MAX level.
The appliance produces a lot of noise
and steam during brewing.
Make sure the water tank is not filled with hot water.
The appliance needs to be descaled (see chapter ‘Descaling’).
Coffee grounds enter into the jug. Check if the filter holder has overflowed because there is too
much ground coffee in the filter, or the jug has not been placed
correctly under the filter holder, or you . remove the jug for more
than 30 seconds during brewing.
Check if the filter is torn or you use the wrong size of paper filter
Brewing coffee takes longer than usual. The appliance needs to be descaled (see chapter ‘Descaling’).
The coffee maker switches off before
the water tank is empty.
The appliance needs to be descaled (see chapter ‘Descaling’).
Attempting to start another brewing cycle before the Coffee maker
cools (3 minutes) may result in an incomplete cycle.
The coffee is not strong enough.
Check if used ground coffee is not enough. It should be one
heaped measuring spoon of ground coffee for each cup.
Check if you use ground coffee with mild flavour.
The coffee is too strong. Check if used too much ground coffee. It should be one heaped
measuring spoon of ground coffee for each cup.
Check if you have used ground coffee with strong flavour.
The coffee does not taste good. Check if you leave the thermos jug with coffee on the plate
too long, especially if it only contains a small amount of cof
The coffee is not hot enough. Check if the brewed coffee is too little. The coffee will warm
longer if you brew more.
Make sure you place the thermos jug properly on the plate.
The jug is difficult to place in the
appliance or remove from the
Make sure the lid of the jug & filter basket are in right position.
Tilt the jug a little of angle to place or remove it. Be careful not to
spill the hot coffee for avoiding scalding.
There is less coffee in the jug than
Check if you have not place the jug properly on the warm plate,
so that the anti-drip valve prevents the coffee from flowing out
of the filter.
The appliance needs to be descaled (see chapter ‘Descaling’).


Merkki: Comelec
Kategoria: Kahvinkeitin
Malli: CG 4007

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Comelec CG 4007 Käyttöohje

25 Helmikuuta 2025

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