Jonard Tools FLS-55 Käyttöohje

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille Jonard Tools FLS-55 (2 sivua) kategoriassa Ei luokiteltu. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 4 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/2
6. Maintenance:
6.1 If the Light Source is not used for a long time, the light output port must be
protected with the dustproof cover.
6.2 When the Fiber Optic Light Source is used for a long period of time, the output port
may get dirty, which results in the output power decreasing. If there is a
noticeable loss in output power, the connector must be cleaned with a cotton swab
and alcohol. If it cannot be cleaned, please send it to the manufacturer for a
6.3 If you are not planning to use the (FW-5) Light Source for a long period of time,
remove the batteries to prevent leakage.
6.4 Do not take the Fiber Optic Light Source apart. If there are any other issues, please
contact the manufacturer.
6.5 DO NOT look into the Light Source adapters directly while the light source is on.
The laser output will damage your eyes.
7. Trouble-shooting:
1 The output light is unstable or
decreases rapidly while operation.
Replace the batteries.
2 Output power is fluctuating. Try warming-up the device for 15 minutes,
then use it.
3 The output port is dirty. Clean the connector with a cotton swab and
4 The device turns off automatically
after 10-15 minutes.
While the device is powered ON, press the
ON/OFF button once. The symbol in the
top-left corner will disappear, indicating the
auto-off feature has been turned off.
No. Problem Measures
1. Overview:
FLS-55 - Single-mode & Multi-mode Fiber Optic Light Source:
Provides 850/1300 nm wavelengths (for multi-mode fiber cables) or 1310/1550 nm
wavelengths (for single-mode fiber cables) at varying frequencies for checking the optimal
loss of fiber optic cables using our FPM-50 Fiber Optic Power Meter (or other power
2. Technical Specifications:
3. What’s Included:
Fiber Optic Light Source w/ installed SC Adapter
FC Adapter
LC Adapter
Protective Holster
AA 1.5V battery
Storage Bag
Ty pe Fib er Opti c Light S ource
Operat ional Wavelengt hs 850, 130 0, 1310, & 155 0 nm
Emit t er Type LD
Typical Out put Power -7dBm
Spect ral Wi d t h 10 nm
Out put S tabili ty ±0.0 5d B/ 15mins I ±0 .1d B/ 8hours
Modulat ion Frequencies CW, 270 Hz, 1K Hz, or 2K H z
Optical C onnector F C/ S C / LC
Pow er Supply Alk aline B at t ery ( 3 A A 1.5 V bat teries)
Bat ter y Op erat ing T im e 45 h r
Operat ing Temper ature -10 - +6 0°C
Sto rage Temp erature -2- +70°C
Dimensi ons 7 x 3- 3/16 x 1-1/4
(17.78 cm x 8.10 cm x 3.18 cm)
Weight 0.9 02 lb (0 .409 k g)
Th e FL S-5 5 Ligh t Sour ce is desig ned for opt imal use wi th our F PM -50 O ptica l
Power M eter f or m easuring optic al loss o n both sing le mode an d mult imo de
fibe r cable. N ote t hat t he LC adapt er may have up t o 0. 3 dB of signa l loss.
Tel 914.793.0700 I Fax 914.793.4527 I
Diagram of the FLS-55
Keys and Functions:
(1) Wavelength Output Port: FC/SC/LC.
(2) Liquid Crystal Display: Displays wavelength and frequency of the light emitted.
(3) “ON/OFF” Key: Hold to turn the Handheld Light Source Light On or Off.
(a) While ON, press once to turn off the auto-off feature.
(4) “Wave” key: For selecting the wavelength emitted.
(5) “Mode” key: Modulation control: CW light output and modulated light output
can be selected by pushing “Mode” key. When modulated light output is selected,
a dot appears on the screen.
5. Operation:
5.1 Press and hold the “ON/OFF” key for about one second to turn on the FLS-55 Light
Source. The default wavelength is 1310nm and can be changed using the “MODE
5.2 To use the Fiber Optic Light Source:
1. Connection: Choose one of the connectors: FC, SC, or LC, and install it on the
light source. The FC adapter comes preinstalled.
2. Wavelength selection: Press “Wave” key for wavelength selection.
3. Modulation: Press the “MODE” key, choose the “CW”,”270Hz”,”1KHz” or “2KHz”
light output.
4. When Done: Press “ON/OFF” key to turn off the FLS-55 Light Source.


Merkki: Jonard Tools
Kategoria: Ei luokiteltu
Malli: FLS-55

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