LARQ Bottle Movement Käyttöohje

LARQ Vedensuodatin Bottle Movement

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille LARQ Bottle Movement (28 sivua) kategoriassa Vedensuodatin. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 4 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/28
Welcome to th e digital age of water purication.
Pure water from a clean b ottle, every ti me.
Bi envenue dans l’ère digita le de la puricati on
de l’eau. De l’eau pure dans une boutei ll e propre ,
à tout moment .
Just add water
Il suft d’ajouter de l’eau
We are LARQ
No chemi cals, no scrubbing, no compromises
LARQ was started with a si mple vision where innovative technology can be
com bi ned w ith in spirational design to h el p p eople acces s pristine dr in king
water eas il y a nd sustainab ly. We harness the power of the sun to bring
tha t s tinky wate r b ot tle to th e digita l age.
You are what you drink. So Drink Brilliantly
Our produc ts look as good as the y m ake you fee l. We are confident that
these are th e mos t b ea utiful hydration p rod uc ts in the worl d tha t m ake it
eas y to m ake the he alt hier an d sus taina bl e c ho ice, any time and anywh ere.
I love that
musty bottle smell!
No One Ever
The LARQ Bottle Movement:
Powerful yet lightweight
Pat ente d UV-C LED
The LARQ Bott le Move ment contai ns a 280nm UV-C LED li ght t hat
neu trali zes up to 99.9 999%* o f har mful a nd od or-cau sing germs . It ’s th e
worl d’sr st me rcur y-free po rtab le UV- C wate r pur ificatio n tec hnol ogy.
USB rechargeable
The LARQ Bottle Moveme nt is p owered by a recha rgea ble li thium-pol ymer
bat tery. O ne cha rge l asts u p to 1 m onth** and conven ientl y rech arges via
US B. Con venien t, rel iabl e, and simp le - why can’t everything be this easy?
Ultra-lightweight stainless steel construction
Lightweig ht, el ectropolished 18/8 sta in less steel optimizes th e efca cy
of the UV-C LED techn ol ogy. Designed for movement, so its light a s a ir
and wont weigh you down.
Intelligent activation
The L ARQ B ottle Movement pu ries at a to uch and in telligently tur ns
on automaticall y every 2 ho urs. Did you for get to clean a gain? Your
LARQ Bot tl e Movem en t d id n’t!
*in Adventu re Mode
** Estimated usag e based o n 3-4 cycles a day. Norm al Mo de la sts up to 4 weeks of us e
and Adv enture Mode lasts up to 10-12 days of use.


Merkki: LARQ
Kategoria: Vedensuodatin
Malli: Bottle Movement

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