MagnaPool Hydroxinator iQ Large Käyttöohje

MagnaPool Ei luokiteltu Hydroxinator iQ Large

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille MagnaPool Hydroxinator iQ Large (1 sivua) kategoriassa Ei luokiteltu. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 3 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

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Before installing yourMagnapoolreadthissheet
Therearesomecriticalfactorstobeawareof when installing a inandsettingup MagnaPool orderforoptimal
performanceand experience. followed:thegreatestswimming Please the areensurethat followingsteps 
1. ForNewinstallations
  Install all products as per the instruction manuals ie: pump, filter, hydroxinator etc
  We recommend using the pH Perfect Acid Feeder. Wheninstalling pointmakeyourpHset 7.5
2. filter Settingupthemedia 
    Use the supplied plastic cover to stop media entering the central lateral and add enough water to cover the
      Fill roughly 1/3 of the filter with Zodiac Coarse Glass to cover the laterals. The remainder of the filter needs
to to thebefilledwithZodiacFineGlass roughly100‐150mmfrom top.
3. Fillandbalancethepool
  After filling the pool with "tap" water it is important that you balance and shock as per normal pool start up
  This will require adding chlorine and acid to suit the pool size
4. Addingmineralsandstartingthesystem
  The qty required is 6 x 10kg bags per 10,000L ie: 30 bags for 50,000 litre pool. See table below
20,000L 30,000L 35,000L 40,000L 45,000L 50,000L 55,000L 60,000L 65,000L 70,000L   
12bags 18bags 21bags 24bags 27bags 30bags 33bags 36bags 39bags 42bags
  Add the required bags of minerals to the water, saving the final bag
  Turn on the filter pump and Hydroxinator and set it to operate onboostmode,thiswillkickstartthe
  Take the final bag and add it directly to the skimmer box, this will supercharge the hydroxinator at start up
  Leave the filtration system running for 24hrs, then return to normal operation mode
5. Whathappensnext?
***It  is important thatthe thepoolowner understands followingwhenhanding over***
MagnaPool is unlikeanyotherpoolandsomustbetreatedwithcare,forthefirst 2 weeksthereare a numberof
things bethatwillhappenthatowner must  awareof:
a) at The water willappearcloudy firstand a filmof onfoamwill appear  thesurface.This is completelynormal
and part is ofthe thesettlinginphase.This is hydroxination mayprocess in action foamingandthe  lastfor a
dayortwo. way.It this is bestnottoswimduring time,however  it is notharmfulinany It is alsoadvisedto
removeanypoolcleaners while thefoam is present.
b) After cleaner canfoamhasclearedfromthewater,the (roboticorsuctionetc) beplacedinthepool.
a. Pleasenote:duringthe tofirst 2 weeksmostcleanerswill adherenot  the thewalls and surfaceof 
pool,this cleaner is normalandthe willreturntonormaloperation
c) Overthenext become ‐7 10daysthewater will  crystalclearandyouwill willhaveclarity unlike anythingyou 
d) be do Chlorine may also difficulttotestforduringthefirst 2 weeks,please notbealarmed.Chlorineispresent
and swim. chlorine  it is safeto Theinitialset toupphasetends mask testing...thiswillpasswithin a weekor 2
e) After debris 2 weeks it maybenecessaryto to theperform backwash a short  remove initial thathasbeen
captured,socheckthe thepressure in filterandbackwash if required.


Merkki: MagnaPool
Kategoria: Ei luokiteltu
Malli: Hydroxinator iQ Large

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