Rolls MU118 Käyttöohje

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille Rolls MU118 (2 sivua) kategoriassa Ei luokiteltu. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 2 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/2
This instrument is compact, rugged, battery operated, handheld 3
1/2 digit digital multimeter for measuring DC and AC voltage, DC
and AC current, resistance and diode, capacitance, transistor,
continuity test, temperature and frequency.
The dual–slope A-D converter uses C-MOS technology for
auto-zeroing, polarity selection and over-range indication. Full
overload protection is provided. It is an ideal instrument for use in
the field, laboratory, workshop, hobby and home applications.
* Push-button ON-OFF power switch.
* Single 30 position easy to use rotary switch for function and range
* High sensitivity of 10V.
* Automatic over range indication with the 1” displayed.
* Automatic polarity indication on DC range.
* All ranges fully protected.
* Resistance measurements 0.1 to 200M.
* Capacitance measurements 1pF to 20µF.
* Diode testing with 1mA fixed current.
* Transistor hFE test with Ib100µA.
* Temperature measurement with or without K type thermocouple.
Accuracies are ± (% reading + No. of digits)
Operating environment: 25, less than 75% R.H.
DC Voltage
Range Accuracy Resolution
200mV ±(0.5% of rdg + 3d) 100μV
2V 1mV
20V 10mV
200V 100mV
1000V ±(0.8% of rdg + 3d) 1V
Input impedance: 10M ohm on all ranges.
Overload Protection: 1000V DC or peak AC on all ranges.
AC Voltage
Range Accuracy Resolution
2V ±(0.8% of rdg + 3d) 1mV
20V 10mV
200V 100mV
750V ±(1.2% of rdg + 5d) 1V
Input impedance: 10M on all ranges
Frequency range: 40Hz to 400Hz.
Overload protection: 700V rms or 1000V peak continuous on ac
ranges, except 200mV ac range (15 seconds maximum above
300V rms).
Indication: Average (rms of sine wave)
DC Current
Range Accuracy Resolution
20mA ±(0.8% of rdg + 2d) 10μA
200mA ±(1.2% of rdg + 2d) 100μA
10A ±(2% of rdg + 5d) 10mA
Overload protection: 0.2A/250V fuse. (20A range not fused)
Maximum input current: 20A, 15 sec. max.
AC Current
Range Accuracy Resolution
20mA ±(1% of rdg + 3d) 10μA
200mA ±(1.8% of rdg + 3d) 100μA
10A ±(3% of rdg + 7d) 10mA
Overload protection: 0.2A/250V fuse. (20A range not fused.)
Frequency range: 40Hz to 400Hz.
Maximum input current: 10A, 15 sec. max.
Indication: Average (rms of sine wave)
Range Accuracy Resolution
200 ±0.8% of rdg ± 3d 0.1
2k ±0.8% of rdg ± 2d 1
20k 10
200k 100
2M 1k
20M ±1% of rdg ± 5d 10k
200M ±[5% of (rdg -1M) +10d] 10k
On 200Mrange, if short the two test leads, display reading is 10
digits should be subtracted from measurement results.
Range Accuracy Resolution
2nF ±(3% of rdg + 5d)
20nF 10pF
200nF 100pF
F 1nF
20µF 10nF
Range Accuracy Resolutio
-50~400 ±(1.2% of rdg + 4d) 1
400~1000 ±(1.9% of rdg + 15d) 1
*Using K type thermocouple probe.
Frequency Test
Overload protection: AC 220V rms.
Maximum display: 1999 counts (3
/2 digits) with automatic polarity
indication and eng. unit.
Indication method: LCD display.
Measuring method: Dual-slope integration A-D converter system.
Overrange indication: 1” or-1” figure only in the display.
Maximum common mode voltage: 500V DC/AC rms.
Reading rate: 2~3 reading per sec. (approximate).
Temperature for guaranteed accuracy: 25.
Temperature ranges: Operating: 0 to 40 (32 to 104)
Storage: -10 to 50 (14 to 122)
Power supply: One 9V battery (NEDA 1604 or 6F22 or equivalent).
Low battery indication: to lift of display.
Size: 88 (W) × 170 (D) × 38(H) mm.
Weight: 340g (including battery)
Accessories: Operating manual, set of test leads and thermocouple
(K type, 300)
1. Check the 9-volt battery by setting the ON-OFF switch to ON. If the
battery is weak, a sign will appear on the display. It is does not
appear on the display, proceed as below. See maintenance if the
battery has to be replaced.
2. The mark or sign next to the test lead jacks is for warning that
the input voltage or current should not exceed the indicated
values. This is to prevent damage to the internal circuit.
3. The function switch should be set to the range which you want to
test before operation.
4. If the voltage or current range is not known beforehand set the
function switch to a high range and work down.
5. When only the figure 1 is displayed, over-range is being indicated
and the function switch must be set to a higher range.
5.1) DC Voltage Measurement
1, Connect the BLACK test lead to the COM jack and the RED test
lead to the V/ jack.
2. Set the FUNCTION switch to the “V range to be used and
connect the test leads across the source or load under
measurement. The polarity of the RED lead connection will be
indicated at the same time as the voltage.
Do not apply more than 1000V to the input, Indication is
possible at higher voltages but there is danger of damaging the
internal circuit. ridden by true value.
2. Connect the test capacitor to the input socket (not test leads)
nothing the polarity connections when required.
5.2 AC Voltage Measurement
1Connect the BLACK test lead to the COM jack and the RED test
lead to V/jack.
NOTE: 1When test individual capacitors, insert the leads into the
two sockets, with +(upper socket), “-” (lower socket), at the left
panel. (Capacitors should be discharged before being inserted into
the test jack).
2Set the FUNCTION switch to theV range to be used and
connect the test leads across the source or load under
Do not apply more than 700V rms to the input, indication is
possible at higher voltages but there is danger of damaging the
internal circuit.
5.3) DC Current Measurement
1. Connect the BLACK test lead to the COM jack and the RED test
lead to the mA jack for a maximum of 200mA.
For a maximum of 10A jack, move the red test lead to the 10A jack.
2Set the FUNCTION switch to theA range to be used and
connect the test leads in series with the load under
measurement. The polarity at the RED test lead connection will
be indicated at the same time as the current.
2When testing polarized capacitors, for example, the tantalum
type, particular attention must be paid to the polarity
connections. This is to prevent possible damage to the
When testing large capacitances, note that there will be a
certain time lag before the final indication.
Do not connect an external voltage or a charged capacitor
(especially larger capacitors) to the measuring terminals.
5.7 ) Diode Measurement and Continuity Test
1Connect the BLACK test lead to the COM jack and the RED
test lead to the V/ jack. (NOTE: The polarity of the RED test
lead is+”).
2Set the FUNCTION switch to the or range and
connect the test leads across the diode under measurement,
display shows the approx forward voltage of the diode.
The maximum input current is 200mA or 10A depending on
the jack used. Excessive current will blow the fuse which must be
replaced. The 10A range is not protected by a fuse. The fuse rating 3Connect the test leads to two points of circuit, if the resistance is
lower than approx 30buzzer sounds.
should be 200mA. And no more to prevent damage to the internal
circuit. 5.8) Transistor hFE Test
The maximum terminal voltage drop is 200mV. 1Set the FUNCTION switch to hFE range.
5.4) AC Current Measurement
1. Connect the BLACK test lead to the COM jack and the RED test 2Determine whether the transistor is NPN or PNP and locate the
Emitter, Base and Collector leads. Insert the leads into the
proper holes in the socket on the front panel.
lead to the mA jack for a maximum of 200mA.
For a maximum of 200mA, move the red test lead to the 10A jack.
2Set the FUNCTION switch to the A range to be used and
connect the test lead in series with the load under measurement.
3The display will read the approximate hFE value at the test
condition base. Current 1A, Vce 2.8V.
NOTE: 5.9) Temperature Measurement
The maximum input current is 200mA or 20A depending
upon the jack used. Excessive current will below the fuse which
must be replaced. The 20A range is not protected by a fuse. The
fuse rating should be 200mA and no more to prevent damage to
the internal circuit.
1Measure temperature with K type thermocouple: Set the
function switch to the range and insert the K type
thermocouple plug into K probe socket.
2Measure ambient temperature without probe: On the same
range, display reading is the ambient temperature in .
The maximum terminal voltage drop is 200mV.
5.5) Resistance Measurement
1Connect the BLACK test lead to the COM jack and the RED
test lead to the V/ jack (Note: The polarity of the RED test lead
is +”)
5.10) Frequency Test
1Connect test leads or shield cable to COM and V/ jack.
2Set the FUNCTION switch to HZ range, and connect test
leads or cable across the source or load under
2Set the FUNCTION switch to the range to be used and
connect the test leads across the resistance under
measurement. NOTE:
NOTE: 1 Do not apply more than 220V rms to the input,
indication is
1If the resistance value being measured exceeds the maximum
value of the range selected an over-range indication will be
displayed (1”) select a higher range. For resistance of
approximately 1M and above, the meter may take a few
seconds to become stable. This is normal for high resistance
possible at voltage higher than 10V rms, but readings may
be out of specification.
2In noisy environment, it is preferable to use shield cable for
measuring small signal.
5.11) Auto Power-off (optional function) min
2When the input is not connected, i.e. at open circuit, the figure
1” will be displayed for the over-range condition. Automatic Power-off extends the life the battery by turning the
meter off, if no rotary function switch is operated for about 15
minutes. The meter turns back on if either the rotary switch is turned
or the power switch is pressed again.
3When checking in-circuit resistance, be sure the circuit under
test has all power removed and that all capacitors are fully
discharged. 6. MAINTENANCE
Battery and/or fuse replacement should only be done after
the test leads have been disconnected and power off.
4200Mrange open circuit voltage is 3V, display reading is 10
digits when test leads short, this is normal, when measure
10M resistor (on 200M range). Display reading is 20,
measure 100M (on 200Mrange) display reading is 110.
The 10 digits is a constant and should be subtracted from the
6.1) 9-volt Battery Replacement
Note the condition of the 9-volt battery using the procedure
described above, if the battery needs to be replaced, open the back
cover remove the spent battery and replace it with the battery of the
same type.
5.6) Capacitances Measurements
1. Before connecting the test capacitor, note the display which may
have readings. Other than zero each time the range is changed.
This offset reading will not affect the accuracy for it can be over
6.2) Fuse Replacement
If the fuse needs replacement, use only 200mA/250V fuse
identical in physical size to the original.


Merkki: Rolls
Kategoria: Ei luokiteltu
Malli: MU118

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