Steinberg Navia Harp Käyttöohje

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille Steinberg Navia Harp (8 sivua) kategoriassa Ei luokiteltu. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 2 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/8
Navia Harp requirements:
Disk space: 8 Gb
RAM: 4Gb
Display resolution: 1366 x 768 (1920 x 1080 recommended)
Mac OS: Monterey or newer
Windows 64 bit: 8.x/10
*Navia Harp is a sample library created with Steinberg's HALion sampler. It requires the free
version HALion Sonic 7 to be installed in your system to run. If you don’t have HALion 7 or
HALion Sonic 7 already installed, you need to to Steinberg user account and
login / register
activate your free license of HALion Sonic 7.
Double - click on the sample library installation file
(example: SonicAtoms_LibraryName.vstsound)
*this will open Steinberg Library Manager (if not, open the
Steinberg Library Manager app manually and then drag and
drop the “.vstsound” library file on the Steinberg Library
Manager window.
Step 1
Step 2
Install the library in the default
location or choose “install path” to
a choose custom location.
After installation is complete, press OK and the Sonic Atoms library should now be visible on your
Navia Harp is a sample library created for Steinberg’s HALion software family. If you dont own
HALion 7 you need HALion Sonic 7 which is a free software, available on


Merkki: Steinberg
Kategoria: Ei luokiteltu
Malli: Navia Harp

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