Technoline TM 3010 Käyttöohje

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille Technoline TM 3010 (4 sivua) kategoriassa Termostaatti. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 2 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/4
TM 3010
Operation and display General function
This energy-saving controller for radiators can be used
to control room temperature on the basis of time. The
actuator moves a valve, thereby allowing the amount of
heat flowing to the heating appliance to be controlled. The
controller is compatible with all standard heating appli-
ance valves. The large illuminated display ensures user-
friendly operation.
Installation can be achieved in 3 easy steps.
Step 1: Inserting (replacing) the batteries
Remove the battery compartment cover.•
Insert 2 new Mignon batteries (LR6/AA) •
into the side battery compartments, en-
suring they are the right way round.
Reattach the battery compartment cover •
and click into place.
New alkaline batteries have a life of ap-
proximately three years. A battery symbol
( ) will indicate when the batteries need to be replaced.
After removing the old batteries, please wait approximately
1 minute before inserting the new ones.
Never recharge standard batteries.
Doing so will present a risk of explosion.
Do not throw the batteries into a fire.
Do not short-circuit batteries.
Used batteries should not be disposed
of with regular domestic waste. Instead,
they should be taken to your local battery
disposal point.
Step 2: Setting the date and time of day
The rmware version number will be displayed briey once
you have inserted/replaced the batteries and then you will be
automatically prompted to set the date and time of day.
Use the setting wheel (C) to set •
the year (B).
Confirm with OK (D).•
Use the setting wheel (C) to set •
the month (B).
Confirm with OK (D).•
Use the setting wheel (C) to set •
the day (B).
Confirm with OK (D).•
Use the setting wheel (C) to set •
the hour (A).
Confirm with OK (D).•
Use the setting wheel (C) to set the minute (A).•
Confirm with OK (D).•
The motor will start moving back the control pin while the
entries are still being made.
If “InS” is displayed with a rotating •
symbol, this
indicates that the motor is still moving back. Once the
device is ready for the actuator to be installed on the
valve, just “InS” will appear on the display.
The weekly program and other settings can be cus-•
tomised prior to installation. To do this, press the menu
button when “InS” is shown on the display. For further
details, please see “4. Configuration menu”.
O nce p rog ram m ing i s com p le t e , “In S will re appe ar o n t he •
display and installation (Step 3) can commence.
Step 3: Installing the energy-saving controller
The actuator can be installed on all standard heating
valves. There is no need to drain away water or fiddle
around with the heating system before doing this. First,
you need to remove the old thermostat dial:
Turn the thermostat dial anti- •
clockwise as far as it will go (A).
Release the thermal ring of the •
thermostat (B).
Remove the thermostat from •
the valve (C).
An adapter will need to be used in
the case of certain valves. Adapt-
ers for Danfoss valves (RA, RAV,
RAVL) are included in the scope of delivery. For details,
please refer to the adapter overview (see 18).
The adapter must be placed on the valve •
and turned until it is secure-
ly seated.
In the case of the RAV adapter, •
the extension supplied must be
attached to the valve tappet.
The RA and RAV adapters must, •
in addition, be secured by means
of the bolt and nut supplied.
The energy-saving controller can
only be installed if “InS” is show-
ing on the display. Following installation, the actuator will
perform an adjustment run so that it can adapt to the valve.
During this process, “AdA” will be displayed.
Place the actuator on the valve.•
Tighten the union nut.•
“InS” will appear on the display, press the OK button.•
The actuator will perform an adjustment run (“AdA” will •
appear on the display, operation not possible).
After that, the actuator will be ready for operation (Auto •
If the adjustment run was initiated prior to installa-
tion, or if an error message will be displayed (F1, F2,
F3); press OK to move the motor back to the “InS
1. Setting the weekly program
The weekly program allows you to set up to 3 separate
heating periods (7 switching times) for each day of the
week. Programming is performed in relation to the se-
lected days, for which temperatures must be stored for a
period from 00:00 to 23:59.
Press and hold down the menu •
button for more than 3 seconds.
“Pro” will appear on the display.•
Confirm with OK.•
“dAy” will appear on the display. •
The setting wheel can be used
to select an individual day of the
week, all working days, the weekend or the entire week
(example shows working days selected).
Confirm with OK.•
Use the setting wheel to set the first time segment (exam-•
ple shows 0:00 to 6:00).
Confirm with OK.•
Then, select the required temperature for the selected time •
segment (example shows 17.0°C).
Confirm with OK.•
Keep repeating this process until you have nished storing •
temperatures for the period from 0:00 to 23:59.
In Auto mode, the temperature can be modified at any time
via the setting wheel. The modified temperature will then
be retained until the next program changeover.
2. Weekly program: Examples
The energy-saving controller allows you to store up to 3
heating periods (7 switching times) with individual temper-
ature settings for each day of the week. The factory set-
ting consists of two heating phases (from 6:00 until 9:00
and from 17:00 until 23:00 respectively) for every single
day of the week:
From 00:00 to 06:00 17.0°C
From 06:00 to 09:00 21.0°C
From 09:00 to 17:00 17.0°C
From 17:00 to 23:00 21.0°C
From 23:00 to 23:59 17.0°C
To represent the switching periods, the display shows
bars for every other switching interval. In this exam-
ple, no bars are shown for the interval from 0:00 to
6:00. Bars are only shown on the display for the in-
tervals from 6:00 to 9:00 and from 17:00 to 23:00.
If a room also needs to be heated at around noon, the cor-
responding program might look like this:
Monday to Sunday
From 00:00 to 06:00 16.0°C
From 06:00 to 09:00 22.0°C
From 09:00 to 12:00 17.0°C
From 12:00 to 14:00 20.0°C
From 14:00 to 17:30 17.0°C
From 17:30 to 23:30 21.0°C
From 23:30 to 23:59 16.0°C
If you have a home office and only want it to be heated
during the day on working days, you can program the fol-
lowing times:
Monday to Friday
From 00:00 to 08:30 17.0°C
From 08:30 to 17:00 21.0°C
From 17:00 to 23:59 17.0°C
Saturday and Sunday
From 00:00 to 23:59 15.0°C
3. Operating modes
To switch between the 3 operating modes described below,
press the menu button briefly (these operating modes can
only be selected following installation/Step 3):
Holiday function• ( Set a temperature that is to be ):
maintained until a fixed point in time.
Manu: • Manual operation The temperature is set manu-
ally using the setting wheel.
Auto: • W e ek ly p ro gra m Th e temp er atur e is con trol led aut o-
matically in accordance with the stored weekly program.
4. Configuration menu
The configuration menu can be used to modify settings.
To access this menu, press and hold down the menu
button (for more than 3 seconds).
Pro: For setting the weekly program (see Section “1 Set-•
ting the weekly program”)
dAt: For modifying the time of day and date•
POS: For querying the actuator’s current position•
dSt: Automatic switchover at the start or end of daylight •
saving time can be deactivated.
AEr: For setting the “window open” temperature and •
time so that the temperature is automatically reduced
in the event of ventilation
tOF: For setting the offset temperature•
rES: For restoring the factory settings•
Please read this manual carefully in order to help you put
the device into operation. Keep the manual handy so you
can refer to it at a later date!
A Day of the week
B Holiday function ( ), manual operation (Manu), au-
tomatic operation (Auto), battery empty” symbol
( ), set-back/comfort temperature ( ), window
open” symbol ( )
C Menu button: Press and hold down the button for more
than 3 seconds to open the configuration menu
D Setting wheel: For making adjustments (e.g. temperature)
E Time and date indicator, menu items, functions
F Current temperature setting
G Switching periods set within weekly program
H OK button: For confirming/saving
I button: For switching between set-back and com-
fort temperatures
Use the setting wheel to select menu items and the OK but-
ton to confirm your choice. Press the menu button again to
return to the previous level. After 65 seconds without any-
thing happening, the menu will close automatically.
5. Display content during normal operation
During normal operation, the following
are displayed: day of the week, time of
day, date, operating mode, temperature
setting and switching periods.
The bars indicating the weekly program’s
switching periods are shown for every other time inter-
val. For an example, please refer to “2. Weekly program:
6. Setting the holiday function
If you want a fixed temperature to be maintained for a set
period of time while you are on holiday or during a party,
you can make use of the Holiday function.
Press and release the menu button repeatedly until the •
suitcase symbol ( ) appears on the display.
Use the setting wheel to set the end of the time period
during which the temperature is to be maintained.
Press the OK button to confirm.•
Then use the setting wheel to set the date.•
Press the OK button to confirm.•
Use the setting wheel to set the temperature; press OK to •
confirm. The display will flash to confirm your settings.
The set temperature will remain in force until the specified
time. After that, the actuator will adopt Auto mode.
7. Comfort and set-back temperatures
The comfort/set-back temperature button ( ) provides
an easy and convenient way of switching between these
two temperatures. The factory settings are 21.0°C and
17.C respectively. To adapt them, proceed as follows:
Press and hold down the comfort/set-back temperature •
button ( ) for more than 3 seconds.
The sun symbol ( • ) will appear on the display along
with the current comfort temperature.
Use the setting wheel to modify the temperature; press •
OK to confirm.
The moon symbol ( • ) will appear together with the set-
back temperature.
Use the setting wheel to modify the temperature; press •
OK to confirm.
The temperature can even be modified in Auto mode at any
time by using this button. The new setting will be retained
until the program’s next switching time.
8. Child-proof lock/Operating inhibit
Operation can be inhibited.
To activate/deactivate the operating inhibit, briefly press •
the and Menu buttons at the same time.
Once the function is active, “LOC” will appear on the display.•
To deactivate the function, press both buttons again.•
9. Set ting the heating break
If the heating is being switched off for the summer, you can
save battery power. This involves opening the valve up fully.
Limescale protection measures remain in place.
To activate the heating break, turn the setting wheel •
clockwise during manual operation ( ) until “OnManu
appears on the display.
To terminate the heating break, quit manual operation •
( ) or turn the setting wheel anticlockwise.Manu
10. Set ting frost protection mode
If you do not want the room to be heated, the valve can
be closed. It will only be opened again if there is a risk of
freezing due to frost. Limescale protection measures re-
main in place.
To activate frost protection mode, turn the setting wheel •
anticlockwise during manual operation (Manu) until OFF”
appears on the display.
To terminate frost protection mode, quit manual opera-•
tion (Manu) or turn the setting wheel clockwise.
11. “Window open function
In the event of a significant drop in temperature, the actu-
ator can automatically detect whether the room is being
ventilated. To save on heating costs, the temperature is
then automatically reduced for a specic time period (fac-
tory setting: 15 minutes). While this function is active, the
“window open” symbol ( ) appears on the display.
Press and hold down the menu button for more than •
3 seconds.
Use the setting wheel to select the “AEr” menu item.•
Confirm with OK.•
Use the setting wheel to set the temperature and time. •
To deactivate the function, select a time of “0”.
12. Setting the offset temperature
The temperature is measured at the heating appliance
itself, with the result that other parts of the room may be
warmer or colder than this. To allow for this, you can set
a temperature offset of ±3.5°C. If, for example, a tempe-
rature of 18°C is measured somewhere within the room
instead of the 2C set, it means that an offset of -2.0°C
needs to be configured.
Press and hold down the menu button for more than •
3 seconds.
Use the setting wheel to select the “tOF” menu item.•
Confirm with OK.•
Use the setting wheel to modify the temperature.•
Press the OK button to confirm.•
13. Restoring the factory settings
You can reset the actuator to its initial state manually. This
will clear all the settings that have been made manually.
Press and hold down the menu button for more than •
3 seconds.
Use the setting wheel to select the “rES” menu item.•
Confirm with OK.•
ACC” will appear on the display; press OK to conrm.•
14. Intended use
The energy-saving controller has been designed for the
purpose of controlling a standard heating appliance val-
ve. The device may only be operated indoors and must
be protected from the effects of damp and dust, as well
as solar radiation and sources of radiant heat.
Using the device for a purpose or in a manner other than
that described in this operating manual constitutes a
breach of the “intended use” and shall invalidate the war-
ranty and any liability claims. The same shall apply in the
event of any conversion or modification work. The devices
are intended exclusively for domestic use.
15. Troubleshooting and maintenance
Error code on
display Problem Remedy
Battery symbol
( )
Battery power
too low Replace batteries
F1 Valve actuator
Check installation,
inspect heating
F2 Adjusting range
too large
F3 Adjusting range
too small
Check heating
At 12:00 every Saturday, the actuator performs a
weekly descaling function to prevent valve calcifica-
16. Instructions for disposal
Do not dispose of the device with regular domestic
Electronic equipment must be disposed of at local
collection points for waste electronic equipment in
compliance with local directives governing waste
electrical and electronic equipment.
The CE sign is a free trade sign addressed ex-
clusively to the authorities and does not warrant
any properties.
17. Safety instructions
The devices concerned are not intended for children and
must not be used as toys. Do not leave packaging materi-
al lying around, as children might be tempted to play with
it, which is extremely dangerous. Do not open the device:
it does not contain any components that need to be ser-
viced by the user. In the event of an error, please return
the device to our service department.
Issue 1 English 06/2009
Documentation © 2009 TechnoTrade Import-Export GmbH,
Wildau. All rights reser ved.
CC-RT-O-VM-W-R3, V1.1 903-61
19. Technical properties
Supply voltage: 3 V
Max. current consumption:
100 mA
Batteries: 2x Mignon batteries (LR6/AA)
Battery life: Approx. 3 years
Display: LC display
Housing dimensions: 56 x 99 x 98 mm (W x H x D)
Connection: M30 x 1.5
We reserve the right to make any technical changes
that constitute an improvement to the device.
18. Adapter overview
Manufacturer Figure Adapter
Heimeier, MNG, Jun-
kers, Landis&Gyr
“Duodyr, Honeywell-
Braukmann, Oventrop,
Schlösser, Simplex,
Valf Sanayii, Mertik
Maxitrol, Watts,
Wingenroth (Wiroflex),
R.B.M., Tiemme, Jaga
No adapter
Danfoss RA
in scope of
Danfoss RAV
in scope of
Danfoss RAVL
in scope of


Merkki: Technoline
Kategoria: Termostaatti
Malli: TM 3010

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