Antares Sybil Käyttöohje

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille Antares Sybil (7 sivua) kategoriassa Audio-ohjelmisto. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 7 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/7
Contents 2
Introducing Sybil 3
What is Sybil? 3
How Does it Work? 4
Quick Start 5
Loop Playback in Your DAW 5
Set the High Pass Frequency and Threshold 5
Set the Compression Ratio 5
Set the Attack and Release Times 5
Controls 6
High Pass Frequency 6
Threshold 6
Compression 6
Attack Time 7
Release Time 7
Gain Reduction Meter 7
Contents 3
Introducing Sybil
What is Sybil?
Sybil is designed to tame excessive vocal sibilance (ess, tsss, ch, and sh sounds), with a
flexible compressor and a variable-frequency high pass filter to ensure optimum
de-essing for any vocal performance.
The compressor section includes Threshold , ,Compression Attack Time Release, and
Time High Pass Frequencycontrols, and the control lets you adjust which high
frequency content will get compressed, to ensure that the sibilance is reduced while the
rest of the voice remains pristine.
With Sybil, everything you need to get control of vocal sibilance is right at your


Merkki: Antares
Kategoria: Audio-ohjelmisto
Malli: Sybil

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