Erica Synths Black CV Tools Käyttöohje

Erica Synths Näppäimistö Black CV Tools

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille Erica Synths Black CV Tools (2 sivua) kategoriassa Näppäimistö. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 9 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/2
IN A 2
IN A 1
IN A 3
IN B 2
IN B 1
IN B 3
÷2 ÷2+2 +2
Erica Black Series include high-end,
unique functionality and superior
quality modules. Only the best, highest
quality components are used, all
inputs and outputs are protected
against undesired overvoltage. When
designing Black Series, we put design
and usability superior. Big knobs are
assigned to key functions of the module,
which makes Black Series ideal for live
performances. Enjoy!
Erica Synths Black CV Tools is full
analogue CV and audio processor
module designed for advanced
manipulations with signals – mixing,
scaling, osetting, waveshaping, etc.
The module has several configurations
achievable via jumpers on the back
of the module.
2x3 channel audio and CV mixer with
unity gain
2x attenuverters/boosters and
bipolar oset
Min and Max function extractor
+5V reference
LED bioplar level indicators
Configurable features – see the
description below
Scale A and Scale B knobs
adjust attenuation/boosting/
inverting levels for each
mixer output.
At 12 oclock there will be no
signal on SCL output. Turning
the knob clockwise, the signal
level will increase until it’s
boosted to gain 2. Turning the
knob counter clockwise, the
signal is inverted
and gradually boosted to
the gain 2
These are oset control
knobs. At 12 o’clock the
signal on SCL outputs has
0 oset (for example,
if regular -5V - +5V
sinewave LFO is applied
to the any of mixer inputs,
the signal on the relevant
SCL output will be the
sinewave oscillating
around 0V), turning
the knob CW up to 10V
positive oset is added to
the incoming signal (you
can basically transpose
incoming CV, for example
or oset the middle
point of the sinewave
above 0V), turning the
knob CCW will result in
the negative oset
These are inputs of the
first mixer (A). If nothing is
patched in IN A1,
the +5V reference voltage
will appear on MIXA
output. You can also use
this as a CVs scaler to turn
any bipolar Cvs patched in
IN A2 into unipolar 1V/oct
inputs on VCOs or
opening VCAs!
These are inputs of
the second
mixer (B)
Scaled outputs take the
relevant mixer output
signal and pass it through
Scaler circuit (it’s basically
attenuverter with gain 2
it can boost and invert the
incoming signal. Boosting
large amplitude audio
signals will result in over-
drive eect) and Oset
circuit that osets audio
and CV signals in positive
or negative directions
These outputs derive
Maximum and Minimum
curves of MixA and MixB
signals. If several CVs are
applied to the inputs, Max
and Min curves will be
seemingly random CVs
that reflect interaction
between MixA and
MixB; if audio signals
are applied, the result on
Min and Max outputs is
extreme waveshaping
These are A and B mixer
outputs, the mixer works
with preset gain of 1
Mixer gain …………….................…………………….................………… 1 (unity)
Booster gain (Scale)’’.……………….................………… adjustable up to 2
Power consumption.............………….................……….… +42mA, -38mA
Module width…………………….................………….................…………....10HP
Module depth…………………................…..………….................…………35mm
Please follow the instructions for use of this Erica Synths module
below, cause only this will guarantee proper operation of the
module and ensure warranty from Erica Synths.
Water is lethal for most of the electric devices, unless they
are made waterproof. Erica Synths module is NOT intended
for use in a humid or wet environment. No liquids or other
conducting substances must get into the module. Should this
happen, the module should be disconnected from mains power
immediately, dried, examined and cleaned by a qualified
Do not expose the module to temperatures above +5 C or
below -20° C.
Transport the instrument with modules installed carefully, never
let it drop or fall over. Warranty does not apply to modules with
visual damages.
The module has to be shipped in the original packaging only.
Any module shipped to us for return, exchange and/or warranty
repair has to be in its original packaging. All other deliveries
will be rejected and returned to you. Make sure you keep the
original packaging and technical documentation.
You will find Erica Synths terms of warranty at
Items for return, exchange and/or warranty repair have to be sent
to: Erica Synths, Andrejostas Str. 43, Riga, Latvia, LV-1045
This device complies to the EU guidelines and is manufactured
RoHS conforming without use of lead, mercury, cadmium and
chrome. Nevertheless, this device is special waste and disposal in
household waste is not recommended.
Designed and made in Latvia.
User manual by Girts Ozolins@Erica Synths.
Design by Edmunds Pavlovskis.
Copying, distribution or any commercial use in any way is
prohibited and needs the written permission by Erica Synths.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
In case of any questions feel free to contact us via
Check out other Erica Synths modules & devices at
NORM A1 jumper. not set. This jumper provides an option for CV MIXER A to be capable of optionally osetting the output up by +5V or down default:
by -5V. This is very useful in cases where 0..+10 CV range needs to be moved to -5..+5V range and vice versa. Just set this NORM A1 jumper to “+5V” or
“-5V” side and then when nothing is plugged in IN A 1 socket, mixer’s output will be oset by +5V or -5V respectively, and this way provides precision
oset to any CVs connected to IN A 2 and/or IN A 3 inputs. And whenever you will need to mix CVs without oset, just use the IN A 1 socket, and this oset
will not be applied.
MATH IN A MATH IN Band jumpers. default: set to “mix. These jumpers allow to select wether MIN and MAX functions are operated from MIX or
SCALED signals. There are individual jumpers for A and B input terms so that you can choose to have only one to be scaled, and one to be direct from a
respective mix. This is useful, for example, if you want to use the MIN or MAX as a limit function with manually adjusted threshold using the OFFSET knob.
As an another example, you can use MIN and MAX functions for some wild transformations when both input terms are set to SCALED.
MIN OUT SELECT and MAX OUT SELECT jumpers. default: set to “minand “max. Whenever you might need more MIX outputs to be used as a splitter,
or want a simultaneous inverse output of a respective MIX output, just set these jumpers and MIN and MAX outputs will become additional mix or inverse
mix outputs. By moving these jumpers you can replace MAX output with MIX A or INVERSE MIX A; and MIN output with MIX B and INVERSE MIX B.


Merkki: Erica Synths
Kategoria: Näppäimistö
Malli: Black CV Tools

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