Gamewright The Scrambled States of America Käyttöohje

Gamewright Lautapeli The Scrambled States of America

Lue alta 📖 käyttöohje suomeksi merkille Gamewright The Scrambled States of America (3 sivua) kategoriassa Lautapeli. Tämä opas oli hyödyllinen 3 henkilölle ja sai 4.5 tähden keskimäärin 2 käyttäjältä

Sivu 1/3
One day,all of the 50 United
States threw a party and decided to switch
places so that each could see another part
of the country. But after the states were
jumbled up for a while, things turned crazy...
Florida is freezing up north, and the
Atlantic Ocean is getting Arizona
all wet! The states need your help to find
their way home.
50 State Cards (blue)
50 Scramble Cards (re d )
4 U.S. maps
The object of the game is to send the most
states home by correctly matching St a t e
C a rds to Scramble Cards. The player who
collects the most State Cards wins.
Gi ve each player a U.S. map for re f e rence.
Separate the cards into blue (State) and
red (Scramble) decks, then shuffle and
put both decks face down in the center
of the playing area.
Deal five State Cards to each player.
P ow inlace your cards face up in a r
front of you to form your “States Line.”
Take some time to become familiar with
your cards, re f e rring to the map to find
each state’s location. Also notice that
each card has a state name, state picture,
capital city and nickname.
Rules of Play
“Bay State”
N o, no, you two-
I told you already,
this is my part!
N ow get back
in your places,
the game is
about to begin.
Hi There,
I’m Sam. I’m assuming since you opened this
b ox that youre in the mood to play a game.
Well, you’re in luck because I have a game for
you. It’ a game about this fine co u n t ry of ours.
I ’ll bet youve probably played a zillion games,
but this one’s a little different. Before you get
s ta rted, Id be er do some et t x p l a i n i n g . . .
Go the Distance! Cards
When one of these ye l l ow
c a rds is re vealed, turn ove r
the top card from the St a t e
Deck and place it face up
on top of the deck.
Then, using the map, scan your states
and y to find the one that is the closestt r
n e i g hbor (the shortest distance away) to
the State Card that was turned over.
When you locate a state, pull that card
f o rw a rd out of your States Line so
that all players can see. The playe r
whose state is the closest wins the
round and sends both her state and
t h e state from the top of the State De c k
to her Home Pile.
If multiple players’ states seem equally
close, whoever was first to pull out her
state wins the round. (If its difficult to
tell which state is closest, use the ruler
on the “Go the Distance!” card to meas-
ure between state borders on the map.)
The winner of each round turns over
and reads the next card from
the Scramble Deck to begin
the next round.
Ending the Game
When the State Deck is depleted, all
players count the states in their Home
Piles. er has the most State CarW h o e v d s
wins. (Cards left in the States Line dont
Rules for Young Players
& Early Readers
Set-up: Deal five State Cards to each
player as usual. But if in a four-player
game, deal only four State Cards to each
In this version, it is not a race to be the
first player to slap a card when a Find-It
Card is revealed. Instead, all players that
can make a match get to send a State
Card home and draw a new one from
the State Deck. You may only match
one state per round, so even if there is
more than one match in your States
Line, just pick one to send home. All
other rules remain the same as above.
House Rules
Here are some ideas in case you want to
try different variations of this game:
Home State Advantage
If one of the cards in your States Line
shows the state where you live,
announce “I live here!” and send that
state home.
New and Improved
When you get a card with “New” in its
state name, you can switch that card
with another playe r’s card of your choice.
Let’s Play!
When all players are re a d y, the
p l a yer to the left of the dealer
turns over the top card of the Scramble
Deck, places it face-up next to the deck,
and reads it aloud. T h e re are two typesof
c a rds in the Scramble Deck: Fi n d - It and
Go the Di s t a n c e !
Find-It Cards
These cards have various
challenges on them
re l a t i n g to the states.
They could be as simple
as matching colors or
as complex as finding
hidden words. When a Find-It Card is
revealed, all players race to match one of
their State ds to this card. er isC a r W h o e v
the first player to slap and announce the
name of the matching state out loud,
gets to collect that card. The winner puts
the state card in a “Home Pile” off to
the side (Each player has her own
Home Pile.) and draws a new card from
the top of the state deck to build her
States Line back up to five cards.
Feeling confused? Here are some
examples: If the Fi n d - It Card says
“Capital has a persons first name hidden
in it,” and you haveKentucky (whose
capital city is Frankfort, with the name
Frank in it), in your States Line, slap it
and yell out, “Kentucky!” Or if he Find-
I et card says “Is Orange,” and you hav
Vermont (which is the color orange on
the card and map), slap it and
announce, “Vermont!” If you’re the first
player to slap and announce your state,
you win the round.
If more than one player has a match …
The first player to slap and say the
name of a matching state wins that
round and gets to send her state home.
But if two or more players slap and
announce matching states at the same
time, they both/all send their states
home and take new cards from the top
of the State Deck to build their States
Lines back up to five cards.
If no player has a match …
If no player has a state that matches,
everyone passes one of their State Cards
to the player on their left and puts their
new card in their States Line. The last
round’s winner turns over a new card
from the top of the Scramble Deck a n d
play proceeds as normal.
Slip Slaps
If you forget to say the name of your state
out loud when you slap it or you slap a
State Card that does not match the Fi n d -
It card, yo uve made a slip slap. As a
p e n a l t y, take one of your State Cards
f rom your Home Pile and put it at the
bottom of the State Deck. Remember
accuracy is more important than speed!
(State Deck) (Scramble Deck)
Multiple Match
If you have more than one card that
matches a Find-It card, you can send
multiple states home.
A Word from Gamewright
W h o e ver said that learning about U.S.
geography had to be boring must not
h a ve read The Scrambled States of Am e r i c a.
We fell head-over-heels for Laurie Ke l l e rs
hilarious story and knew that it had the
making for a great game. As with her
book, we hope our game provides a fun
way to enrich basic knowledge of U.S.
geography. Players learn the names,
capitals, nicknames, shapes and positions
of the states through a myriad of visual
teasers, language riddles and geography
challenges. After playing, you’ll see that
theres more to the 50 States than meets
the eye!
In all our rules, we use either “he” or
she” to include everyone!
Game by Ga m e b i rd, LLC
Game De velopment: Alison Ya d a ,
Jason Schneider, Jonathan Panush,
Mike Corcoran, Jackie Gr a n d y,
Christine Myung, Philip T h o r n t o n
Text and Illustrations from The Scrambled States of
Am e r i c a by Laurie Ke l l e r. Used by arrangement with
He n ry Holt and Company, LLC All Rights Re s e r e d .v
Made in the USA
Games for the Infinitely Imaginative®
124 Watertown St. Watertown, MA 02472
Tel: 617-924-6006 Fax: 617-924-6101
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©2002 Gamewright, A Division of Ceaco, Inc.
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Merkki: Gamewright
Kategoria: Lautapeli
Malli: The Scrambled States of America

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