SetonixSynth SkyWave Käyttöohje

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SkyWave Segmented VCO
User’s Manual v0.1 - Eurorack
Final specs subject to change
Copyright 2024 SetonixSynth. All rights reserved.
Hello and thank you for using the SkyWave VCO for Eurorack. We hope you will find its
oscillations to be fun and useful!
The SkyWave is an all-analog voltage controlled oscillator capable of producing many different
timbres and unique harmonic behaviors, thanks to an original step-based control scheme which
allows the user to dial in completely different wave-shapes and levels for successive oscillator
cycles. This is achieved using an internal feedback loop with the clock output of the oscillator
triggering a step sequencer which in turn cycles through settings at the frequency of the core
oscillator, thus changing the shape and level of the waveform output on a per-cycle basis while
also staying in tune and tracking pitch like a typical VCO.
The concept for this design was mainly inspired by my own patching experiments involving
some no-frills analog VCO modules and our now-discontinued sequential switch/processor
called Laka. Though Laka wasn’t really designed for audio, it produced some great sounds
when I clocked the sequential switch section with the VCO while also cycling through various
input waveforms and levels of waveform from the same module. (If you have a Sequential
Switch and a VCO with square or pulse output to use as a clock, you can try the crude version
yourself!) The original SkyWave used simple switching and a basic oscillator to basically
recreate this patch, but ultimately I decided to switch to a VCA-based approach which allows for
smooth interpolation between waveform types, CV control over the modules vital parameters,
and overall better performance.
Followers of our past work might also notice the elaborate artwork on this release. For those
who haven’t spent time in or near Ohio, USA, this art is a loose tribute to one of the tastiest and
strangest regional delicacies in the world. A reminder to enjoy the little things and have fun!
Special thanks to Brian Rekruciak, aka Robots Are Red, for his essential work on the visuals for
this project.
SkyWave Technical Specifications (Eurorack standard)
Width: 14hp
Depth: 30mm
Peak Current Draw: 80mA @ +12V, 60mA @ -12V
Input Impedance (All Inputs): 100kΩ
Output Impedance: 1kΩ
1. Connecting your SkyWave
To power your SkyWave unit, connect a standard 2.54mm pitch 10-to-16 pin ribbon power cable
to the header labeled “Power” on the backplate PCB. The main power cable can be installed in
either direction, but make sure the header is properly oriented and fully connected to the module
before turning your case on. Do not attempt to connect or disconnect the power cable or any
expander cables while your modular power supply is turned on.
To connect your SkyWave to the Scaffold expander module, attach the 2mm pitch 12-pin ribbon
cable provided with the Scaffold expander to both the header on the SkyWave labeled
“EXPANDER” and to the header on the back of the Scaffold labeled “SKYWAVE INPUT ONLY”.
Unlike the power header, this connector is polarized, so make sure that the red stripe on this
ribbon cable matches the stripe orientation on both modules.
Diagram A. SkyWave Rear DIP switch functions
While operation of the SkyWave once it is plugged in is fairly straightforward, there is a
4-position rear DIP switch that has to be configured properly first. Diagram A illustrates the
functions of each of the four switches which can be used to select the internal Clock input for
the sequencer and change the behavior of the TZFM/PM and Seq. Reset inputs.
“Factory standard settings are as follows:
Pin 1 (SubClock) OFF
Pin 2 (Internal Clock) ON
Pin 3 (Reset) OFF
2. Theory of Operation
The SkyWave is a complex VCO which uses a step sequencer in a feedback loop with a
variable-waveshape analog oscillator to create sequenced waveforms. With each new oscillator cycle, the
user may dial in a new waveshape and bi-polar wave level centered around 0V, with powerful and unique
timbres resulting from different arbitrary waveforms “scanned through” in a 2, 3, or 4-step sequence.


Merkki: SetonixSynth
Kategoria: Ei luokiteltu
Malli: SkyWave

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