SetonixSynth Shaka-4 Käyttöohje

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Shaka-8 Voltage-Controlled Stereo Matrix Mixer
Shaka-4 Stereo Matrix Expander
User’s Manual v0.1 - Eurorack
Final specs subject to change
Copyright 2024 SetonixSynth. All rights reserved.
Hello and thank you for using the Shaka-8 Voltage-Controlled Stereo Matrix Mixer and Shaka-4 Stereo
Matrix Expander for Eurorack. We hope you will find it to be a joy to explore.
The Shaka-8 is a Stereo Matrix Mixer with an all-analog signal path, meant for use with Audio signals.
While it is similar in function to other Stereo Matrix Mixers, the Shaka-8 allows for voltage control over
each matrix patch point, i.e. the send level of each L/R pair of inputs to each L/R pair of outputs.
In addition to the 4 input and 2 output channels on the Shaka-8, the Matrix may be expanded to a 4x3,
4x4 or more matrix mixer by chaining Shaka-4 Stereo Matrix Expanders to the main unit via the 12-pin
connector labeled “EXPANDER” on the back of the Shaka-8.
Shaka-8 Technical Specifications (Eurorack standard)
Width: 12hp
Depth: 25mm
Peak Current Draw: 60mA @ +12V, 60mA @ -12V
Control voltage range: 0-8V p-p (-100dB to Unity Gain); 0-10V p-p (-100dB to +20dB)
Exponential/audio taper control voltage response
Input Impedance (All Inputs): 100kΩ
Output Impedance: 1kΩ
AC-Coupled Input Cutoff Frequency (-3dB High Pass): 5 Hz approx.
Shaka-4 Technical Specifications (Eurorack standard)
Width: 6hp
Depth: 25mm
Peak Current Draw: 25mA @ +12V, 25mA @ -12V
Note: due to current draw and signal integrity considerations, we do not recommend using more than 5
Shaka-4 modules per main Shaka-8 module.
1. Connecting your Shaka-8 and Shaka-4
To power the main Shaka-8 unit, connect a standard 2.54mm pitch 10-to-16 pin ribbon power cable to the
header at the top of the Shaka-8 pcb. The -12V/red stripe side of the connector must be aligned with
white stripe silkscreen indicator labeled “-12V” for proper use. This module is reverse diode protected, but
it is still not recommended that you plug it in backwards to see what happens. Do not attempt to connect
or disconnect the power cable or any expander cables while your modular power supply is turned on.
To connect a Shaka-4 to the back of a Shaka-8, attach the 2mm pitch 12-pin ribbon cable provided with
the Shaka-4 to both the header on the Shaka-8 labeled “EXPANDER” and to either of the two headers on
the back of the Shaka-4 labeled “EXPANDER I/O”. Make sure that the red stripe on this ribbon cable
matches the stripe orientation on both modules.
To connect additional Shaka-4 units, simply attach another 2mm, 12 pin ribbon cable to the unused
“EXPANDER I/O” header on the first Shaka-4, and to either “EXPANDER I/O” header on the back of the
last Shaka-4 module in the chain. Multiple Shaka-4 units may be attached this way to provide extra output
channels and matrix points for the Shaka-8.
2. Theory of Operation
The Shaka-8 and Shaka-4 are affordable, high quality Matrix Mixers with voltage control. These modules
operate in much the same way as a typical stereo audio matrix mixer, with the send level of each input to
each output controlled by the corresponding knob, and the resulting “mix” being a sum of the knob
settings in each column, added to the CV input corresponding to each knob.
Each matrix point controls the level of a stereo pair, which is to say each pair of L and R inputs is “linked,”
with the gain level of each side being the same, but applied independently to each side so there is no
mixing of the two inputs and stereo image is preserved. Each channel is also transparent (more or less
flat EQ response) over the whole audio frequency spectrum, with as little distortion as possible. With the
Shaka, what you put in is what you get out.
The Shaka modules use the excellent SSI2164 VCA chip ( ), in a variation of the circuit
datasheet here
detailed in “Figure 8: 4-into-1 Mixer” to provide tightly matched, high-performance audio mixing. The
response of the gain cells is Exponential, with the Initial knobs able to provide a gain range from -100dB
at full Counterclockwise to Unity gain at fully Clockwise, in other words an equal amplitude presented at
the output as at the corresponding input.
Any CV input patched to a Matrix jack is added to the corresponding Initial control setting, with the range
of the knob corresponding to an input voltage of 0-8V. If a full-range control signal of 0-10V is fed to the
CV input, or a high enough control signal is added to the Initial level, the VCA can provide a gain of up to
+20dB, or approximately 10x that of the input signal. As you will surely notice, this can be pretty loud
depending on the input source, so be careful of your hearing and when in doubt use external attenuators
on incoming CV if range is important. The Shaka’s Exponential response means the VCAs’ sensitivity is
higher with a greater CV input.
All techy talk aside, Matrix Mixers are an amazing way to expand the capabilities of one’s sound sources
and modulators by introducing many different routing options. The Shaka-8 and Shaka-4 are intended to
take this idea one step further with the addition of CV modulation, allowing for automation of any and all
matrix points with your favorite modulation sources to create dynamic and interesting patches in stereo
even with just a few audio modules.
3. Summary of Functions
L/R Audio Inputs 1-4: AC-coupled stereo input channels. All content below 5 Hz is removed from each
input for highest quality audio response. If a signal is patched to a channel’s L input and the R input is left
unpatched, the R input will be normalized to the signal patched to the L input so that mono and stereo
signals may be summed and used together.
Initial Level Controls: Sets the initial gain level of each stereo Audio Input pair as it is routed to the
corresponding stereo Audio Output pair, with a maximum Initial gain of 1:1 or Unity gain. Note that the
input signal can be pushed unity gain if the Initial Level control is turned up while external CV is alsopast
applied to the matrix point.
CV Inputs: Exponential Control Voltage inputs which are summed with the related Initial Gain knob to
control the level of the matrix point. The Shaka-8 and Shaka-4 can accept bi-polar voltages at the CV
inputs, with the Initial Level control used to compensate.
L/R Audio Outputs: Stereo mix outputs. The audio present at each pair of Outputs is the sum of all the
input signals, at the gain levels controlled by the column of Initial knobs and CV inputs directly above it.


Merkki: SetonixSynth
Kategoria: Ei luokiteltu
Malli: Shaka-4

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